This is SO Important: a Short Devotional from Daniel Fusco

January 13, 2021
By: David Fusco

How long is your to-do list right now? Sometimes mine feels endless, and I’m always shuffling things around, re-prioritizing, trying to get everything done and not let anyone down…and somehow find time for myself and my family amidst the madness!! 

All of us spend a lot of our time trying to make life more manageable, and one of the default ways we manage our time is to compartmentalize our lives. 

This is important. 

That is not important. 

This is a priority. 

That is not… 

We parcel out our time according to what matters most….And while it’s true we can’t get through life without making these on-the-fly decisions, sometimes we end up forgetting a simple truth: everything matters….Yes, everything!! 

Here’s how we know everything matters: Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” Did you catch that?? God is using EVERYTHING – every relationship you have, every painful experience you walk through, every opportunity you encounter, every job, every seminar, every moment!! – to accomplish his good purposes in your life. That means everything matters.  

So check this out: in Matthew 10:29, Jesus says, “Not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it. And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.”  God notices the details of our daily lives…Every detail of every person matters to God. The Bible also says we will be called to account “for our works” and “every idle word” (Matthew 12:36, Romans 14:12). So even the words we speak and everything we spend time doing matters in the big picture.  

Of course, the ultimate proof we have that everything matters to God is that he sent Jesus to redeem humanity and all of creation….All of it! God sent Jesus, who is infinitely valuable, for each of us and for the created world. And that means we also have infinite value to God! Talk about mattering!! 

So since everything matters to God, including our minute-by-minute decisions…what does that mean for our everyday lives? Paul has an awesome answer for us in Philippians 1….he prayed for the Philippian church to “understand what really matters” because prioritizing the way God does helps us live in a way that brings him glory. 

And according to Paul, the key to prioritizing the way God does is…love. 

(Isn’t love always the answer)…?? 

But seriously, that’s it!! Paul said, “I pray that your love will overflow more and more and that you will keep on growing in knowledge and understanding. For I want you to understand what really matters, so that you may live pure and blameless lives until the day of Christ’s return” (Philippians 1:9-10). 

So here’s the deal…if we devote ourselves to deepening our relationships with God, and ask him to fill us with His love – love for Himself, love for people, love for the things that move God’s own heart – everything else will fall into place. Our priorities get naturally re-organized into heaven’s priorities for us, when our motivation for every decision, every interaction, every situation…is love. 

So let’s get out there and lead with love…and live what really matters. 


Daniel Fusco is a pastor, coach, and encourager with a unique ability to connect with people from all walks of life and talk with them about Jesus and spirituality. He is the lead pastor of Crossroads Community Church in Vancouver, Washington, a ministry that reaches people across the globe with the message that Jesus is real. He inspires people to live out their faith by simply responding to Jesus. Daniel is the author of Upward, Inward, Outward; Honestly; and Crazy Happy (releasing February 2021). His radio program Jesus is Real Radio and TV show Real with Daniel Fusco can be found on stations across the U.S., including the Hillsong Channel. His popular 2 Minute Message videos and encouraging daily content can be found on Facebook (@danielfusco), Instagram (@thefusco), Youtube (@pastordanielfusco) and Twitter (@danielfusco). He lives in Southwest Washington with his wife Lynn and their three kids.

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11 replies on “This is SO Important: a Short Devotional from Daniel Fusco”

He wonderful message. In light of all we do when we get busy and hurrying around worrying about things I may not be so important. We forget that love is the answer.says:

He wonderful message. In light of all we do when we get busy and hurrying around worrying about things I may not be so important. We forget that love is the answer.

This word of encouragement couldn’t have come at a better time in my life. Thank you Jesus

May God continue to bless you I know I was extremely inspired with faith and love through this reading.

I received the Lighting The Way Home Family Bible from a very dear friend of mine for my 76th Birthday. She knows that I love Thomas Kinkade art work and that the Bible is a very important part of my life. This is a treasure to me and is beautiful. Daniel Fusco’s short message is important and will be printed and inserted in my Bible. I do not believe in accidents, I believe God’s hand is on our lives and blesses us with beautiful gifts. This Bible is truly a blessing.

Thank God for using you to send me this very important message. While I was stuck in the relationship with my kid, I forgot what really maters is “Love”,and love only.

I felt ashamed for blaming my child and urging to make must-to-do lists for her.
But now,I am so thankful. Wondering how lucky I am to be loved by God the Father.

All we need is love.

This is so me. I needed this. I’m participating in our church fast we do at the beginning of ea he year and this one has been a struggle. Thank you for this message.

Yes, indeed you are a great teacher. Your devotional word touched my life this morning. I pray that I will deepen my relationship with God this 2021. I wished you could visit our church in Africa one of these days with this great teaching. God bless you man of God. Continue the good work

Yes, sometimes we tends to get involved into the worldly things. But we totally forget what John said he started by saying “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God”. John also spoke about God so love the world that he gave his only begotten son …..

Lord please fill me with your love and love for all people please let my motivations and decisions aligns with yours. Thank you God for everything.

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