About Scripture Engagement

January 5, 2021

Scripture Engagement Articles

5 Steps to Engage with the Bible

Following these five steps will help you prepare to engage with God’s Word so it becomes more personally meaningful and transformative in your life.

How to Abide in God’s Word

Learn how to come to the Scriptures in a manner that promotes a thriving, living, transforming relationship with Christ.

Christ the Center of Scripture

It is through the Bible that we meet and know Christ. When we grow in our love for Christ, we grow in our love of Scriptures.

Scripture Engagement and the Spiritual Disciplines

Spiritual disciplines are means to saturate our lives in the Bible, engaging with it so that our lives are transformed.

How is Scripture Engagement Different from Bible Study?

Scripture engagement is a complement to deep study of the Scriptures, engaging both the mind an the heart for a deepened relationship with God and a changed life.

How Not to Read the Bible

God’s Word is good and profitable, but there are some ways approaching the Bible that can end up restricting spiritual growth.

More on The Abide Bible Scripture Engagement Practices

Abide: Engage Through Art

Combining visual arts and the inspired words of the Bible can help you slow down and encounter the God of the Bible in a new way.

Abide: Praying Scripture

The whole Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, has biblical prayers you can pray to strengthen your spiritual life, add variety, and express yourself to God.

Abide: Journaling Scripture

Journaling Scripture is a practice that helps you concentrate and reflect on a passage. As a result, the content has more impact on our lives.

Abide: Picture It

Using your God-given imagination to your Scripture engagement practice can help you better empathize with the people of the Bible and understand their stories in a more experiential way.

Abide: Contemplate

Contemplate is an easy 4-step practice compared to “feasing on the Scripture,” and helps to facilitate a personal conversation with Him.