Be Resolute to Seek God to Move

January 25, 2021
By: Matt Brown

Written by Matt Brown

With all the problems in our world, we need to be resolute to seek God to move in our world.  

Daniel 10:12 says, “Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them.” 

This is such a powerful passage of Scripture. God tells Daniel that from the very moment he began to pray, God began to move. As Daniel continued to pray, God moved in response to his words and then showed up on his behalf. Daniel kept praying until He heard from the Lord. Daniel set his mind. He was resolute to seek God to move on his behalf. We need this same resolve today, not only to pray but to keep on praying until we hear from God.  

Let’s look closely at a few parts of this Scripture that will encourage us in our resolve: 

Do Not Be Afraid

Oh, how we need to hear these words today 

Maybe you need to be reminded that “Do not be afraid” is in the Bible 365 times. Once for every day of the year. It’s as if God is saying to us, every day I am with you. Every day, you don’t need to be afraid. You can trust in Me. 

We don’t need to be afraid, not because we never face trouble or hardship or challenges, but because of who our God is. He can handle what we cannot. He is always with us. 

You don’t need to be afraid today, and you can trust that good things are always coming your way by God’s grace. (Read Ps. 23:6; Rom. 8:28; Jer. 29:11.) 

“Since the First Day”

Our prayers do not fall to the ground. They do not fall on deaf ears. They go before our Father in heaven, the Creator of all things that exist, and they are as powerful before Him as a small child asking something of their loving, doting parent.  

As our prayers continue, they accomplish far more than we can ask or imagine. “Since the first day” means that from the moment Daniel began to pray, God began to move. I have this firm conviction that we need to keep on praying until we know if God has answered us. Sometimes God answers our prayers immediately, and sometimes things must be prayed about over a period of months or even years. Never lose faith that God will move on your behalf. 

God answers our prayers in light of His goodness and love over us. God answers our prayers in three ways: yes, soonkeep on praying, or I have something better for you.” 

“Set Your Mind”

Daniel set his mind to seek God to move on his behalf. He was resolute. He knew He needed God’s help and intervention.  

We need to be resolute in seeking God to move in our world. We need to set our minds on what God wants to do in our lives, in our families, and in our world, and keep on praying until we know we have answers from heaven. 

“To Gain Understanding and to Humble Yourself Before God”

We can assume a posture similar to this as we pray: 

Lord, we don’t know what to do, but our eyes are on you. Give us wisdom on how to pray. Give us wisdom for our situations, our lives, our purpose. We humble ourselves before you and we confess our dependence on and desperation for you! We need you so badly in our lives and in our world! 

“Your Words Were Heard”

What hope this Scripture has for usI don’t know about you, but nothing calms and feeds my soul like the Word of God.  

When you pray, when you set your mind, when you are resolute in seeking God to move in our world, your words are heard before the God of heaven.  

God will show Himself strong on your behalf. His arm is not too short to save. He still shows up in our world when we call on His nameon the name of Jesus. God still moves when we set our mind to pray and seek His help. 


Matt Brown is an evangelist, author of Truth Plus Love: The Jesus Way to Influence, host of Think Eternity with Matt Brown, and founder of Think Eternitya ministry dedicated to amplifying the gospel every day through podcasts, devotionals, videos, live events, and more. Matt and his wife, Michelle, have three children and live near Minneapolis, Minnesota. You can follow Matt at @evangelistmatt and

Matt Brown

Matt Brown…

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20 replies on “Be Resolute to Seek God to Move”

Thank you for this timely message. Indeed a great assurance that from the time I pour out my heart to God, there was inner peace and I know that God is working for me. Pls partner with me in prayer that God will provide my need of a new place to stay. I need to vacate my current place and I don’t know where to move. God will provide. I declare and receive it. In Jesus name. Amen.

Good morning.I would like to say thank you for the words of encouragement and i promise to stand with you in prayer ,as you are believing God for a new place to stay in and also praying for the whole Jesus Christ name Amen and Amen.

My son too is in that situation. And short of income as what is available of apartments costs alot. I pray the same prayer as you that God will provide a good safe place for him. We don’t even live in the same province. He as well has personal problems. God knows. I pray for him alot.

A word in season. We need more men and women praying for the move of God that is destined for the earth at this time.

Thank God, and thank you for this message I needed this as a reassurance from God I had being praying over a year and a half for a particular situation and it’s seem like God is not listening to my prayer I almost give up but I just couldn’t because I believe my God who is the one true living God of heaven and earth is not a still God, this morning I ask him to show me a sign that he will move into my situation and fight the battle himself and answer me and if I should be where I’m and not leave but wait on him. So this morning after reading my Bible I pick up my phone and came across this message which is so powerful and encouraging and reassuring me that I shouldn’t give up but keep praying, believe and trust his timing. He will show up for me in Jesus Christ Name.

I needed so much to hear these words of encouragement and instruction iam in a very hard place right now and I don’t know how to pray, thank God for this it really helps, please pray with me thanks

Powerful word of God to be read and meditate upon. It has really blessed my heart this morning and may the good lord bless you with more knowledge and understanding of his word and the work of God you are doing. Amen

That was beautiful and so timely! Thanks, Matt! I am in the middle of a huge time of career move and need God’s hand more than ever. Blessings to you and yours.

I thank God for this timely message. I have been struggling recently in my finances, with a lot of strain on me and my relationship with my spouse.

The Church where I fellowship just announced the month of February 2021 as a “month of Supernatural Intervention”. Your message is also in this light; the need to be resolute in seeking God’s intervention in our lives.

I am more that ever emboldened and determined to keep praying until a change in my situation(s) happens. No hope in any other God except in the power of Jesus and in His blood that He shed on Calvary.

Hi Austin,
Our family is seeking supernatural as is spoken in the Holy Word of our Lord.
Our eyes were just recently opened to something we have been missing.
We’ve been at it almost 1 month. Where is your church? We must overcome by the blood of the Lamb, in the supernatural to claim our promised victory.

Hang on everyone, in our weakness His strength is perfected.

We should all be tired of being victimized by the unclean spirits that lie, kill, and destroy. Remember, the power of the Living God dwells within us! The Power of the Living God is in us, may the Lord wake up that part and brighten up our lives and the lives of other this day. John 10:10 Jesus comes to give LIFE!

My understanding of why I need to continue praying for my desires and know that he may come when I want him to, but he is always on time!

Thank you do much for giving us this spiritual support that reassures that the Almighty is in charge. I am I a desperate financial situation and I have been praying for over a year.

With this spiritual support I believe God is still in charge. He knows what us best for us and the right time to answer our prayers.

Let us pray for one another and the world at large for God’s faith, love, peace, and prosperity.

May the Almighty bless you.

Lord I will not leave you again and I will not fail you again I will be more determine to focus and pray more than ever before
Am grateful for the miracle’s

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