Five Verses That Can Change Your Teen’s Life

April 4, 2019

Few things in this world hold more potential than a teenager with a Bible. A young person, brimming with the energy and passion of youth and guided by Scripture, is a force to be reckoned with. In terms of changing lives and making a difference in the world, a young person who knows how to apply God’s Word has the potential to leave an enormous spiritual footprint.

If you see that kind of potential in your teenager, here are 5 passages where he or she can begin a lifelong journey.

1. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them (Eph. 2:10).


Teenagers know better than anyone else that there are people who will try to cut you down and shake your self-confidence any chance they get. That’s one of the reasons that this verse is so valuable. It tells you the truth about yourself: that you were created to do—and be—something incredible.

2. For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, “thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope (Jer. 29:11).


God’s plan for you is unique. It will not look like His plan for other people. Sometimes that can be a tough reality to face, especially if it looks like someone else’s plan seems to follow a smoother, more important, or more interesting path. But if you open yourself to God’s leading, you will not be sorry—no matter where your path takes you.

3. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble (Matt. 6:34).


Worry is a heavy burden to carry through life. If person can learn at an early age to trust God to take care of all situations, they could be spared a lot of emotional, spiritual, and physical wear and tear.

4. Arise, for this matter is your responsibility. We also are with you. Be of good courage, and do it (Ezra 10:4).


Making God-honoring decisions usually requires a certain amount of boldness. There’s often a price to be paid for doing the right thing. For example, befriending an outcast or confronting a bully—not to mention speaking up about your Christian faith—can have social repercussions. And ending an unhealthy friendship or relationship can have emotional repercussions.

This passage from Ezra serves as a reminder to be bold in our faith, regardless of the consequences. It also reminds us that though our courageous stance may seem lonely at times, we’re never alone. In fact, there’s an entire community of like-minded people who have our back.

5. Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest (Matt. 11:28).


You don’t have to pretend to be strong when you’re not. If you’re struggling—physically, emotionally, socially, or spiritually—take your burdens to Jesus. Pray about them. Ask for His help. And then take advantage of the resources He has made available to you, whether it’s the support and assistance of your family and friends or the help of a professional.










Thomas Nelson’s new NKJV and KJV Youth Edition Bibles are lightweight and easy-to-carry for the student on the go to church, school, and summer camp. The quality of the materials used to make these editions are a step up from the normal standard and, at an excellent price, these new youth edition Bibles make great gifts for birthdays, graduations, youth camps, or other special events.

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