Four Reasons to Give Your Teen a Bible

April 3, 2019

Getting their first bicycle, their first phone, and their first car has become a rite of passage for young people. Here are four compelling reasons why getting their first Bible should be included in that list.

man holding a light1. Young People Need a Light. 

The world can become a dark place for teenagers. The darkness usually descends first in shades of gray. Lines between right and wrong get blurred. Momentary lapses in judgment turn out to have long-term implications. Choices made in the heat of the moment come back to burn us.

What your kids need is what the psalmist had. “Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Ps. 119:105). Turning the spotlight of God’s Word on the teenage landscape can illuminate paths that otherwise may not have been apparent to them. A little light can give them the confidence, courage, and vision to take bold steps. And when a light is shining in their lives, they can become a beacon to others.

2. Young People Need a Weapon.

When Satan tested Jesus in the wilderness, Jesus countered his attacks with the most powerful weapon in His arsenal: the Word of God. Three times Satan tried to tempt Jesus; three times Jesus quoted Scripture in response. Satan was powerless against it and eventually fled.

According to 1 Peter 5:8, the devil still “walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” Teenagers shouldn’t have to face such an enemy unarmed—not when they could be equipped with a weapon as powerful as God’s Word. The more familiar they are with what’s inside it, the better prepared they’ll be to resist temptation and work through doubts.

3. Young People Need a Refuge.

Every day, teens navigate a world of responsibilities, expectations, and distractions. They are bombarded with texts and posts from friends, acquaintances, advertisers, and strangers, all clamoring for their time, their attention, their “likes” and their dollars. With social media, their focus is pulled in countless different directions, 24-7.

These besieged teenagers need an escape from the chaos of daily life. A place where their soul can be fed. A quiet place where they can hear God’s voice. They can find such a place in Scripture, which assures us that “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (Ps. 46:1).

4. Young People Need a Pure Distillation of God’s Word.

Some kids may question the need for a physical Bible. After all, they can find any passage from any translation of Scripture with just a few keystrokes—much faster than turning the pages of a book. The problem is—because of a universe of online trolls and commentators with their own agendas—they can also find:

  • misquotes
  • misinformation
  • misinterpretations
  • misapplications
  • snide commentary
  • profane vitriol
  • inscrutable ramblings

Unless you’re standing over your kids’ shoulders every time they search Scripture, you have no way of knowing what they’re seeing. And while there may be a time and place for your kids to engage in such a forum, it’s not while they’re trying to find their spiritual legs.

In the Garden of Eden, the serpent began to wreak his havoc with four carefully chosen words: “Has God indeed said?” Seeds of doubt and skepticism, sown during a particularly vulnerable time, can have a devastating impact. When you give your teens a physical Bible, you can choose the translation and the commentary they read.













Thomas Nelson’s new NKJV and KJV Youth Edition Bibles are lightweight and easy-to-carry for the student on the go to church, school, and summer camp. The quality of the materials used to make these editions are a step up from the normal standard and, at an excellent price, these new youth edition Bibles make great gifts for birthdays, graduations, youth camps, or other special events.

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