God Had an Eternal Purpose for Everything

February 14, 2017

God is eternal. He always was and always will be. Anything that is eternal is also ultimately powerful, because nothing created Him and nothing can destroy Him. God alone has all power. (See the concept notes on God at Isaiah 40:28, Genesis 1:1, Psalm 147:5, and Psalm 18:30.)

On top of that, God has a purpose for everything (Eccl. 3:1). Because of God’s eternal nature, He can see what will happen. He can see the best paths toward a particular end.

Does that mean we’re like robots, following a plan over which we have no choice? No. Scripture reveals repeatedly that we have free will (Josh. 24:15; Rev. 3:20), and we are also responsible for our choices (Matt. 25:26–30, 33–36).

So in a delightfully mysterious way our choices blend with God’s purposes. We don’t have to figure out how. We simply have to choose to make good, wise, and timely choices.

That’s where God comes in. He will show us His pleasure and goals, and we get the delight of working along with Him. “Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that are not yet done, saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure’” (Is. 46:10).

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