Grow Together in Faith

April 30, 2019

Do you want to grow up in your faith? Do you and your spouse desire to know the deep joy that comes from maturing in your relationship with God?

Consider these 7 Spiritual Disciplines for Life and Marriage:

1. Prayer: Prayer is the way we communicate with God. Pray both as individuals and as a couple. Perhaps the two of you can pray together briefly before you go to sleep at night.

2. Bible study: In God’s Word we learn everything we need to know about God, His promises, and what He wants from us. Make use of commute or an exercise session by carrying a pocket-sized Bible or listening to the Bible on CD or your MP3 player.

3. Worship: If you are not worshipping God, you are probably worshipping something else. Find a vibrant, Christ-worshipping, Bible-believing church, and commit to regular worship there.

4. Giving: We own nothing; we are simply stewards of resources, on loan from God. Regular tithing (giving 10 percent of your income to your local church and generous giving to other Christian causes is a great way to strengthen your heart for God’s work. (See Matthew 6:21).

5. Fellowship: We need others and they need us to accomplish the work of the kingdom. How about building relationships with others by joining or offering to lead a small group Bible study at your church?

6. Service: In every local church, this is a need for people to use their spiritual gifts and natural abilities to serve others. And there are ministries in every community that need volunteers to feed the hungry and help the poor. Seek one out!

7. Witness: Jesus has entrusted to us the task of reconciling men and women to God. Cultivate friendships with neighbors, plant seeds by sharing your testimony along with insights from God’s Word, and extend an invitation for them to receive Christ. Let the light of Jesus shine out of your life.

The apostle Paul instructed Timothy to exercise himself for godliness. When you practice these important spiritual disciplines, you’ll be getting the kind of workout that makes you spiritually strong.

Brides Bible cover
1 Corinthians 16:14
KJV Brides Bible

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