The Unchanging Nature of God in a Changing World

October 7, 2020

This past summer, my friend Malachi shared with me a vision God had spoken to his heart: “I feel like we are supposed to call one million young people to fast and pray as we enter into the Roaring Twenties.” The term Roaring Twenties is, of course, a throwback to the 1920s, but we had this sense that God would make the next decade a different type of Roaring Twenties, one in which He would roar His glory and send a powerful move on the earth. By God’s grace, tens of thousands of people fasted and prayed with us. Because the response and community were so wonderful, we plan to continue to call people to fast and pray throughout this decade.

Often we can’t see what God is doing in the moment, but in hindsight, we look back and see His faithfulness. The events of our world are not a surprise to God. He is all-knowing, always sovereign, and always faithful.

We were blown away by the response to the call to fast and pray. I believe God gave people a hunger to fast and pray at the beginning of this new decade, not only because He knew this pandemic and racial tensions were coming, but also because of how He wants to move beyond this time. I have such a sense in my spirit that God is about to move in significant ways.

What keeps stirring in my heart during these difficult days is the truth of the unchanging nature of God’s attributes and character in a changing world.

What We Rely On

Hebrews 13:8 tells us, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” In a world that’s always changing, we can lean on a God who never changes. Jesus Christ is always the same.

  • God’s love for us never changes.
  • God’s grace is always available when we turn to Him.
  • God’s power and might are always reliable in our lives when we lean on Him.
  • God’s faithfulness is always present to turn situations and pain for the good in our lives.
  • God always cares about justice and calls His people to care about it, to see those different from us as created in the image of God. He is compassionate and loves the whole world.

Even when we face a future that is uncertain, we can look to our Jesus, who is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Build Your Life on This Unshakable Foundation

Jesus taught us in Matthew 7 about building our house on the rock. We will all face storms in this life, but when we build our lives on Christ and on His ways, we will be on a solid foundation in the storm. This solid foundation is the unchanging nature of God.

Are there any areas of your life you need to move from the shifting sands of the world’s opinions, attitudes, and ways and instead place on the unshakeable foundation of God’s truth, perspective, and ways?

Trust God Will Always Turn Your Pain for Your Good

Romans 8:28 tells us, “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”

Read that again: “All things work together for good.”

God is the Master at turning difficult situations for our good. We see through the seminal event of our faith—the cross of Christ—that God will take great evil and transform it for our benefit. God continues to work this way in believers’ lives today. Whenever you face painful, difficult, or trying circumstances, you can take them to God and know that soon you will see Him bring good out of them.

The Best is Always Yet to Come When We Follow Jesus

Jeremiah 29:11 tells us, “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” God has a good plan for you, and a good plan for your family, and a good purpose for your life.

John Piper has said, “In Christ it is only a matter of time until there is only joy.” The best is always yet to come when we follow Jesus, not only in this life, but in eternity.

Even in the changing storms of life, we can find an unshakeable peace, joy, and hope when we rest on the unchanging nature of God’s faithfulness, goodness, and love in our lives. This will empower us to do good, bring justice, and fulfill His purpose in the world.


Note: All Scriptures are quoted from the New King James Version.

John Piper quote confirmed at

Matt Brown is an evangelist, author of Truth Plus Love: The Jesus Way to Influence, host of Think Eternity with Matt Brown, and founder of Think Eternitya ministry dedicated to amplifying the gospel every day through podcasts, devotionals, videos, live events, and more. Matt and his wife, Michelle, have three children and live near Minneapolis, Minnesota. You can follow Matt at @evangelistmatt and

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8 replies on “The Unchanging Nature of God in a Changing World”

Thank you for this insight into God’s word. Keep encouraging me and may God continue to bless your ministry in Jesus name.

Put GOD first period. He is The Way, The Truth & The Life. One cannot get by without God in FULL control of one’s fife

Amen. Glory to Jesus. What a powerful eye opener. Thank you Lord! Thank you Father! Let me abide in Him as He abides in me.


This words and article gives me more encouragement to have ny faith stronger than before. With the words of the Bible which gives me hope and makes me more aware of being kind no matter how I’m treated. As God Is love God Is Good God is Life God is everything and everywhere as I feel this anywhere and everywhere I go ❤ Art. Jose Villegas ( Boy)

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