Tuck-In Talks

April 28, 2020

There’s no better way to send your child off to sleep than with a reminder of their Heavenly Father’s protection. This intimate, daily ritual will grow your little one’s faith in God and create bonds of love with you that can last a lifetime. Use these Tuck-in Talks to focus their thoughts on God right before they drift off to dreamland.

Psalm 42:8

The Lord shows his true love every day. At night I have a song and I pray to my living God. Psalm 42:8

Tuck-in Talk: Teaching your child to reflect—to think about and thank God for showing His true love—His blessings—can start a wonderful, life-long habit. For example: “Let’s think of three things you enjoyed today.” Responses might go something like this:  “1. It was so windy today—it was fun to play outside. 2. Daddy grilled hot dogs and we had a picnic. 3. Molly’s birthday party was fun.” Lead your child to thank God for these specific ways He showed His love today.

Isaiah 41:10

So don’t worry, because I am with you. Don’t be afraid, because I am your God. I will make you strong and will help you. I will support you with my right hand that saves you. Isaiah 41:10

Tuck-in Talk: “I am” and “I will.” Two statements made by God so many times in the Bible. Can your little one find two “I ams” in this verse? What does God pledge to do for them? Can your child also find three “I wills”? What does God promise to do for them? Personalize this verse by making it a fill-in-the-blank your child can complete:  “So don’t worry (about _____), because I am with you. Don’t be afraid (about_______), because I am your God.”

Psalm 139:14

I praise you because you made me in an amazing and wonderful way. What you have done is wonderful. I know this very well. Psalm 139:14

Tuck-in Talk: Ask your child to remember ways they used their body today. Did their leg muscles pump a trike or bike? Did their fingers pick up puzzle pieces? Did their tongue taste ice cream?  What happened to their mouth when brother told a joke? All those body parts worked exactly as God created them to. Ask: “What parts of your body can you thank God for?” Fast legs? Bright eyes? Strong muscles?

Psalm 91:11

He has put his angels in charge of you. They will watch over you wherever you go. Psalm 91:11

Tuck-in Talk: Think of it: God has angels assigned to watch over and protect us. Your child will love learning that they are so important to God that He has assigned helpers to safeguard them. As you look back on today—places you went, things you did, people you saw—help children recognize God’s protection and provision in every event.

Psalm 23:1

The Lord is my shepherd. I have everything I need. Psalm 23:1

Tuck-in Talk: In Bible times a shepherd never let his or her sheep out of their sight. They supplied everything their sheep needed: food, water, a place to rest, and protection from wild animals.  Contrast a want and a need. We need food to eat; we want a new bike. We need a safe place to sleep; we want to go to the beach. We need water to drink; we want lemonade. Remind your child that God is gracious to give us many things we want, but He always supplies our needs.

Romans 8:28

We know that in everything God works for the good of those who love him. They are the people God called because that was his plan. Romans 8:28

Tuck-in Talk: Does your family recycle? Donate clothes and toys? Use leftovers? All are kid-friendly examples of repurposing. God is in the repurposing business, too. He takes things in our lives that seem all used up, situations that are sad, and days that are hard and repurposes them to make our lives better than we could have made them ourselves—as a gift to us. And all because He loves us so much.

Philippians 4:13

I can do all things through Christ because he gives me strength. Philippians 4:13

Tuck-in Talk: God’s Word often turns people’s ideas upside down. Take the word “weakness” for example. In the world, it’s viewed as a less-than-admirable quality. And yet weak people are just the people Jesus came to save—people who realize their inadequacies and who need to depend on someone who is strong. This verse says it’s okay to be weak because Christ gives us His strength. What’s your child up against tonight? A test? A bully? A doctor’s appointment? Use this verse to remind them that they can face everything—not in their own strength—but in Christ’s. And that’s a lot of strength!

2 Timothy 1:7

 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7

Tuck-in Talk: Children (and adults) often default to being scared of a situation because we don’t remember this verse. It reminds us that we are created to be just the opposite of fearful. God’s given us power, love, and smarts. Can you recall times when you were scared as a child and remembering this verse would have made a difference in how you responded?



See more devotionals that will help you teach your children about Jesus and download free tools inspired by the ICB Bedtime Devotions with Jesus Bible here.

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