International Children's Bible

Bedtime Devotions with Jesus Bible, ICB

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International Children's Bible

Bedtime Devotions with Jesus Bible, ICB

Quiet time with little ones is so precious! It’s a snuggly time when inquisitive children are receptive to hearing from God’s Word and learning how it speaks to them. It’s a golden opportunity lay a solid foundation of the essential truths contained in the Bible!

That’s where the Bedtime Devotions with Jesus Bible can help. Written for children ages 4-8, this early-reader edition lets you share the stories of God’s love in the actual words of Scripture—amplified by 100 sweet devotions written by trusted pastors and leaders, and adorned with soothing illustrations of teddy bears, moonlight, and stars that comfort a child’s heart.

Red Letter:No Text Size: 9.5 | medium Size Chart Sewn Binding: Yes

The Bedtime Devotions with Jesus Bible is not a Bible storybook, but actual Scripture text from more than half the Bible—both Old Testament and New Testament—covering the overarching story of God’s love for his children in the easy-to-understand International Children’s Bible translation.

As you tuck your little ones into bed, these Scripture-based devotions will enable you to speak words of comfort, peace, and encouragement. For example:

  • Feeling sad? Share God’s comforting, hope-filled presence when they’re feeling sick or sad in their heart. (Lamentations 3:22-24)
  • Worried? Share why worrying won’t solve anything because God cares for us and will provide everything we need. (Matthew 6:25-34)
  • Hard times? Share that just as God was with Joseph when things were bad, He’ll be with you too because He never leaves us.

    (Exodus 39:1-6)


Sweet Illustrations for Little Eyes

Soothing illustrations of teddy bears, moonlight, and stars, sure to connect with the peace found in God’s Word.

Devotions to End the Day

100 devotionals from trusted pastors and leaders that help connect the Bible with the hopes, concerns, and questions you encounter at home, while equipping you to share the Good News with them.

Start Learning the Bible

Callout verses for Scripture memorization to help them grow in God’s Word.

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5.0 out of 5 stars

Wonderful Bible for all ages. Stunning!
Wow! I absolutely LOVE this bible! It is the cutest book and the quality is just stunning! The pages are sleek and feel so good to the touch. It is written for younger minds to understand the bible easier, but adults can read this too! It's not "babyish" at all! I actually bought it for myself and I'm a grown adult! I love the way it's written and the artwork throughout the book is just adorable! Awesome book! I couldn't put it down! Now maybe I'll actually be able to read the whole bible and understand all that I'm reading! I highly recommend this for both children and adults! Bravo to all the souls who worked so hard to put this treasure together! God bless you all!

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